Clinical Supervision & Consultation with Michelle
I have extensive experience in clinical supervision as the previous Director of the Smith College Counseling Service, the previous Social Work Supervisor at the Trauma Institute, as well as the current director of this practice. I have been certified as a clinical supervisor and as an EMDR consultant since 2017.
For Licensure
I provide private weekly or every other week supervision for clinicians working towards licensure and I will complete all requisite paperwork. Sessions are one hour each. Sliding scale rates for one-hour sessions are available.
For POst-licensure support
While you are already an experienced professional in the field, there may be numerous reasons why you may seek consultation post-licensure with me: You are looking for space to conceptualize cases, you have questions regarding a recent clinical impasse, you would benefit from professional support and reflection to manage vicarious traumatization in your work, you hope to increase your trauma-informed skills, you wish to practice strengthening a social justice framework in your approach, you want help in centering antiracism in your clinical work, you are looking to increase your ability to support queer and trans* clients, or you are curious about what some of your countertransference might tell you about your cases. Sessions can be arranged on an as needed basis or as regular sessions. Sliding scale rates for one-hour sessions are available.
For EMDR COnsultation
I provide individual consultation in EMDR either for certification, individual support, or one-off case consultation.
Consult or supervision sessions are scheduled in-person or via a HIPPA compliant online video service.